Windows XP End of Life

Windows XP Come to and end

The end of a long overdue era comes to an unofficial end on April 8, 2014.  This is the date in which Microsoft says all extended support will end for one of the best operating systems the company has ever released. Windows XP, the cornerstone of most PC users for the past 10+ years, is being officially phased out as Microsoft “sunsets” support for the product in all respects. I loved Windows XP in its heyday, but love Windows 8 that much more. You have 6% chance that your new system will run windows 8 Give me a call now and let advise you on the risk

Usually the end of an operating system era is not that much of a big deal. Mainstream support for Windows Vista happened to pass us by without more than a wink just a few months back. But seeing as Vista has an installed user base of just over 6% remaining, I don’t think there is much discussion warranted for how to handle its remaining faithful. E+ven as of June 2012 Windows XP had a strong 43%+ of the OS market, which is remarkable for an OS that is over 10 years old already. In practical terms, this means that over 4 of every 10 PC users is still working on the aging platform. Computer repair technicians definitely have a challenge in getting customers to make the move to the more solid  Windows 8.

While all new PC systems are currently being shipped with some flavor of Windows8, the real problem lies with the droves of users we still support on XP. As consultants to our customers, we need to take their circumstances into account and give them the best possible advice when it comes to using a Windows XP-based system going forward. Many questions come to mind involving such an entrenched user base. Will XP activation be available even after support ends? What will the driver situation be like in the future? How do I make sense out of all the dates that Microsoft has been releasing to the public surrounding XP’s future?

I’d like to tackle some of the hardest issues surrounding the move away from XP give me a call now and will help you transition quickly and cheaply